INLAB GCP Cloud Storage Bucket , Upload Object and enable versioning
LAB: Configure GCP Cloud Storage Bucket, Upload Object and Enable Versioning
- Create a Bucket: dclessons-bucket in Multi region
- Upload two file or images in to it, delete one file and verify versioning
- Restore Delete file and verify
Login to GCP Portal | More Products | Under Storage | Click Cloud Storage | Bucket
Under Bucket Section | Click on Create Bucket
Name Bucket: dclessons-bucket | Continue | Choose where to Store your Data: Select region | Multi-region: us (multiple regions in United states) | Continue
Under Choose a storage class for your data: select Set a default class Standard | Continue
Under Choose how to control access to objects | uncheck Enforce public access prevention on this bucket | Access Control: Uniform | Continue
Under Choose how to protect object data | Protection tools: Select Object Versioning, Max number of Versions per object: 2, Expire non-current version after: 7 days | Create
Navigate to the bucket, click on the Upload files at the left and upload any image file from your local disk.
Once you choose your file ( two files ) and upload it, it will appear like this. As shown below
Access Cloud Shell from Top left corner and run below command , If prompted click on the Authorize button to make API calls.
gsutil ls -a gs://<bucket_name>

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